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Free John DobbsPlease Aid in the Support of the Cause,Sign the Petition
Line them up and judge for yourself whether it's a miscarriage of justice
- To The Viewers
- Newspaper Article
- Police Narrative
- Photos from the Case
- Medical Examiner
- Kevin Holtz
- Police Transcripts
- Public Defender Letters
- Pro Se Intial Brief
- Orders
- Motions
- Notice of Inquiry
- Per Curiam Afrimed
- Clarification of Decision
- Pro Se Request for Clar.
- Urging of the Court
- The Mandate
- U.S Middle District of Florida
- Order
- Judgment in a Civil Case
- Adversary Prelim. Hearing
- Adversary Prelim. Hearing 2
- Index to Records
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- Case Dockets
- Records
- The Transcripts
- For and on the Record
- 5DCA Case Dockets
- Jury Instructions
- Jury Instructions 2
- Florida Bar Association
- Stricken
- John's Medical Records
- Subpoenas
- Letters
- Questions
- Optional
- Rap Sheet
- Cameras
- In John's own words, What occurred on October 25, 2006
- U.S. Middle District Florida Courts Part
- Line them up and judge for yourself whether it's a miscarriage of justice
- The Immediate Family of John Dobbs - Petitioner
- Law VS Law Enforcement
- Florida Department of Corrections knowingly accepted a void black out " Order of Commitment " and illegally imprison John
- Media Promotions
- If My Son Was White and Those were Black Men
- Complaint and Supplemental Affidavit of Civil Rights violations resulting from fraud on the court. perpetrated by Florida officials
Line them up and judge for yourself whether it's a miscarriage of justice
(witness) Phillip Westfall
Police Transcript
Adversary Preliminary pages 34 to 48.( in subtitle # 22 )
Trial Transcript ( in subtitle # 28 - vol.# 3 ) pages 283 to 307
(wintness) Justin Idle
Police Transcript( in subtitle # 7 )
Trial Transcript pages 249 to 283 (in subtitle # 28 -vol. # 3)
Trial Transcript Opening Statement pages 147 to 153 (in subtitle # 28 - vol. # 1)
Trial Transcript Closing Statement vol. # 6 683 to 688 and 703 to 716
(witness) Andre Blano
Police Transcript
Adversary Preliminary Hearing pages 9 to 21
Trial Transcript vol. # 1 pages 156 to 192
(witness) Fransico Gotay
Police Transcript
Adversary Preliminary Hearing pages 22 to 33
Trial Transcript vol # 1 Thu vol. # 2 pages 192 to 217
(witness) Anthony Riollano
Police Transcript
Trial Transcript vol # 2 pages 219 to 242
(witness) Deanna Washington
Police Transcript
Trial Transcript vol # 4 pages 528 to 571
(witness) John Dobbs
Police Transcript
Trial Ttranscript vol # 4 pages 576 to 624
The Video part I and part II